Consuelo Jimenez Underwood American, b. 1949
Tortillas del Norte, 2005
Painted oilcloth with acrylic paint and safety pins on cotton canvas
79 x 56 in
200.7 x 142.2 cm
200.7 x 142.2 cm
An oilcloth backdrop mimics a kitchen table cover with the artist’s mother painted in the center. Safety pins adorn her head and shoulders, “hitting her like jabs,” and surrounding her...
An oilcloth backdrop mimics a kitchen table cover with the artist’s mother painted in the center. Safety pins adorn her head and shoulders, “hitting her like jabs,” and surrounding her are giant tortillas, like the ones she used to make for her twelve children. Tortillas del Norte was made shortly after the death of Jimenez Underwood’s mother as an homage to who she was and the different lives she inhabited–as a mother, worker, wife, and woman who loved parties and music.