La Muerte y su Caballo deals with the supernatural- Armendariz loves the idea in the truest sense of the word. 'I am romantically interested in death. It's romanticized in painting,...
La Muerte y su Caballo deals with the supernatural- Armendariz loves the idea in the truest sense of the word. "I am romantically interested in death. It's romanticized in painting, folklore, myth, and legend. And I love the idea of death being a woman because a woman seduces you and takes you to the next chapter of your existence. I'm always thinking about death and mortality, how much time we have, and the fact that I probably only have somewhere in the ballpark about 20 to 25 more summers left in me, and so that's a prophetic idea that you only have 25 summers left. If that doesn't get you motivated to do things, then nothing will."