Antipoema, 1967/2015Painted fabric on wood21 x 21 in
53.3 x 53.3 cmHersúa's work develops the interaction between viewer and sculpture with great originality and creates a personal version of Post-Minimalism by de-geometrizing his work. In Antipoema, Hersúa invites interaction between the...Hersúa's work develops the interaction between viewer and sculpture with great originality and creates a personal version of Post-Minimalism by de-geometrizing his work. In Antipoema, Hersúa invites interaction between the viewer and the artwork through moveable panels that cover and uncover the text.
Desafío a la Estabilidad: Procesos Artísticos en México 1952-1967, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo. CD de Mexico, 2014