Richard 'Ricky' Armendariz American, b. 1969
Sharpness of the air / Snap of the branch below her / Sound of my heart slows, 2021
Oil painting on carved Birch plywood
48 x 60 in
121.9 x 152.4 cm
121.9 x 152.4 cm
I have been writing poems or hooks for songs for some time as a starting point for my visual work. This is haiku poem inspired by my frequent trips to...
I have been writing poems or hooks for songs for some time as a starting point for my visual work. This is haiku poem inspired by my frequent trips to the forest as a child. When I was young vacations were frequently camping. I grew up learning how to listen to the air, tress, and animals. You learn to let it clean you as it envelop you. The cloudiness in your thought fades way. This work is about the quiet before the storm, the storm that reminds us to savor those moments and then seek shelter.