Nate Cassie American, b. 1970
Aire de Paris set, 2022
3 x 27 x 4 in
7.6 x 68.6 x 10.2 cm
7.6 x 68.6 x 10.2 cm
One set of 6 bottles with air from 6 significant trees as designated by the city of Paris. Les Marronniers (Chestnut), Place des Vosges and Louis XIII L’Orme (Elm), La...
One set of 6 bottles with air from 6 significant trees as designated by the city of Paris.
Les Marronniers (Chestnut), Place des Vosges and Louis XIII
L’Orme (Elm), La Place Saint Gervais
Les Peupliers, (Poplars), Pont Louis-Philippe and Quai de Bourbon
Le Tamaris (Tamarisk), Notre Dame, Jean XXII square
Le Robinier (Black Locust), Saint Julien le Pauvre
Le Plantane (Plane Tree), Blvd. St. Germain
“There’s a famous piece by Marcel Duchamp called 50 cc of Paris Air, and he was back and forth a lot between NY and Paris and he went to a pharmacy and back in the day you could get liquid medicine in a little glass vessel. And they would pour the medicine in and seal it. So he just had them seal the bottle in Paris and then brought it back to his friend in New York, etched on the glass it said 50 cc of Paris Air. And so, that was part of the inspiration but also. These exist in relation with all the other bottles that had been kind of about capturing air from different places, so if you go back to the main list [ in dropbox] , all of those ….are air from particular spots." Nate Cassie Interview Quote
"So the city of Paris sort of designated these special trees I guess you could say. So I went to each of the sites where the trees were and captured air at the base of the trees. So like Le Robinier is actually a black locust tree from the states, and it's the oldest tree in Paris planted in 1600. "- Nate Cassie Interview Quote
Les Marronniers (Chestnut), Place des Vosges and Louis XIII
L’Orme (Elm), La Place Saint Gervais
Les Peupliers, (Poplars), Pont Louis-Philippe and Quai de Bourbon
Le Tamaris (Tamarisk), Notre Dame, Jean XXII square
Le Robinier (Black Locust), Saint Julien le Pauvre
Le Plantane (Plane Tree), Blvd. St. Germain
“There’s a famous piece by Marcel Duchamp called 50 cc of Paris Air, and he was back and forth a lot between NY and Paris and he went to a pharmacy and back in the day you could get liquid medicine in a little glass vessel. And they would pour the medicine in and seal it. So he just had them seal the bottle in Paris and then brought it back to his friend in New York, etched on the glass it said 50 cc of Paris Air. And so, that was part of the inspiration but also. These exist in relation with all the other bottles that had been kind of about capturing air from different places, so if you go back to the main list [ in dropbox] , all of those ….are air from particular spots." Nate Cassie Interview Quote
"So the city of Paris sort of designated these special trees I guess you could say. So I went to each of the sites where the trees were and captured air at the base of the trees. So like Le Robinier is actually a black locust tree from the states, and it's the oldest tree in Paris planted in 1600. "- Nate Cassie Interview Quote