Mel Casas: Iconic Reality I Ruiz-Healy Art

Essay by Carlos Francisco Jackson

Publisher: Ruiz-Healy Art

ISBN: 9781389557910

Dimensions: 8x10 in

Pages: 46

Ruiz-Healy Art’s “Mel Casas: Iconic Reality” features a body of work not shown together previously. Selected Humanscapes are juxtaposed with his more painterly applications (the artist later used a brushless application, where he poured paint directly on the canvas), mixing intimate and smaller works that really demonstrate the artist’s fixation on beauty and sensuality, with his grander-scaled political paintings, providing a well-rounded view of the artists oeuvre under one roof. In the words of Carlos Francisco Jackson, “Ruiz-Healy Art’s exhibition of Mel Casa’s work provides a window into his broad and impactful practice of challenging borders that create metaphorical, physical, and ideological divergences.”