Publisher: Saenger Editores
ISBN: 6079834596, 9786079834593
Pages: 172
CISCO JIMENEZ. ANATOMY Attractive, playful and uncomfortable, the works of Cisco Jiménez (Cuernavaca, Morelos, 1969) are complex aesthetic beings. This thematic review shows examples of his paintings, collages, sculptures, ceramics, assemblages and installations produced from the early 1990s to the present day. The exhibition is divided into four sections that respond to the specific architecture of the rooms of the Amparo Museum. Presented in a dense salon-style museography and intentionally following a non-chronological structure, each space focuses on a series of symbols and investigations undertaken by the artist. These four thematic delimitations are, at best, tentative, as multiple and diverse interests are repeatedly combined within a single work by Jiménez; However, they offer an attempt at discursive dismemberment of his intricate production.