De Aquí y de Allá: Frank Romero, A Survey I Ruiz-Healy Art

Essay by Rafael Barrientos Martínez
Publisher: Ruiz-Healy Art

Pages: 73

De aquí y de allá: Frank Romero, A Survey, are two concurrent solo exhibitions at Ruiz-Healy Art's San Antonio and New York galleries. The exhibitions are curated by Rafael Barrientos Martínez  and feature works by Los Angeles-based artist Frank Romero. 


Rafael Barrientos Martínez notes, " A pioneer of the Chicana/o art movement, Frank Romero (b. 1941, Los Angeles) is counted among the earliest and most influential of its participants. Romero’s visual explorations of Chicanismo stand as cornerstones of this period in art history that arose from El Movimiento, the social and political civil rights movement that began in the early 1970s. Pulling together a diverse cast of signs and symbols to invent a visual language reflective of the multiculturalism that is at the core of the community, Romero drew from both his immediate surroundings of Los Angeles as well as iconographies related to the American Southwest, from where he traces part of his ancestry. In these works, dating to an important period for Chicano art where the visual program meant for a particular community began to be seen and collected far beyond its borders, Romero communicates to his viewers using his coded language that is both deeply personal but altogether universal in its relationship to the everyday."