Jesse Amado & Alejandro Diaz: Double Pleasure I Ruiz-Healy Art

Essay by Carla Stellweg

Publisher: Ruiz-Healy Art

ISBN: 9781714309726

Dimensions: 10 x 8"

Pages: 66

Jesse Amado and Alejandro Diaz have been friends and colleagues for the past 40 years. The artists have been in multiple shows together, and these concurrent dual exhibitions will bring their work in conversation with one another for the first time in twenty-six years. While the artists demonstrate different aesthetic concerns, their work connects through the incorporation of found materials used to convey human experience and a Beuysian heritage in their social sculpture work. Exhibition catalogue writer Carla Stellweg states, “While the category of ‘Latino’ art and artists is a much-debated subject, the case of Amado and Diaz offers a highly sophisticated and eloquent view of Mexican American and Latino visual culture at this time.”