
Ruiz-Healy Art is delighted to present Surfacing, curated by Carlos Rosales-Silva, at our New York City gallery featuring works by Ricardo Cabret, Gaby Collins-Fernandez, Nora Maité Nieves, Edward Salas, and Eric Santoscoy-McKillip. The exhibition opens on Wednesday, June 23rd and will be on view until Saturday, July 31st. Please contact the gallery at info@ruizhealyart.com or 212-510-7873 for details regarding our opening night reception.


"One of our collective losses in the last year has been the ability to freely touch a public surface, specifically a painted surface. In New York City there are surfaces that have been painted and repainted for decades on end. Steel lies so thick with paint that it almost feels soft to the touch. 

"As artists we get to touch the artwork. We touch the surfaces of our own works without regard for the oils in our fingertips seeping into them, our residues becoming a part of the texture of the art. We learn to see our work by touching materials, learning how they will sit on a surface and how they will fit together. The best formalism of texture comes loaded with context.  For the artists in Surfacing textural depth carries the specificity of emotion, memory, place, vernacular culture, architecture, and the digital transaction of information. We are drawn to textural works because they activate our field of vision and our sense of touch. The artists that make these works are inviting us to feel something." - Carlos Rosales-Silva





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